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            You are about to book a hotel in Haarlem. We would therefore like to give you some additional information about the city. Haarlem, situated by the river Spaarne, lies in the region Kenemerland. The city has around 152,000 inhabitants and is one of the biggest cities in the province of Noord-Holland.

            At the moment, there are 12 hotels in Haarlem with availability. The offer varies between comfortable 2-star hotels and luxurious hotels. You will therefore always find a suitable hotel.

            The city is easily reachable thanks to the various highways which lead to Haarlem such as highway A9. Besides this, Haarlem Station has various connections to a number of cities all around The Netherlands. Public transport in the city itself is very well-organized. You could for example take the bus (line 300) which goes all the way to the Bijlmer Arena Station. This bus also stops at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol .

            This city has a very rich history. It is said that Haarlem finds its origin around the 10th century because it was around this time that the city was first mentioned in an official document. In the past, Haarlem was one of the most important cities of The Netherlands thanks to its textile industry. Furthermore, the city is also known as the city of the painters and artists. Haarlem has a very vibrant city centre with a lot of bars, restaurants and clubs. The night life is mainly concentrated around the Grote Markt. In the summer, this is the ideal place to enjoy a drink in the sun on one of the many terraces. Next to the Grote Markt you can also find the Vleeshal . This hall used to serve as a selling point for butchers but nowadays serves as a hall for expositions and other events. You could also visit the picturesque Hofje van Bakenes . Here you will find beautiful authentic Dutch houses. The Windmill De Adriaan is also worth a visit. This windmill was built in the 18th century and is built on top of a tower. Because of this, the mill could catch more wind. Other beautiful and old structures are the Gravestenenbrug and the Ruins of Brederode . The city also has various museums to offer such as the Frans Hals Museum and the Teyler Museum . Additionally, you could also visit the music theater; the Patronaat or the shopping area Schalkwijk .

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            Le agenzie di viaggio online chiedono agli hotel una percentuale sostanziale dell'importo della prenotazione. Non siamo un'agenzia di viaggi online, ma un sito web di confronto per gli hotel realizzati dagli albergatori.
            Sconti per voi
            Su questo sito web si ottiene uno sconto, perché gli hotel non ci pagano alcuna commissione. Gli hotel risparmiano i costi delle commissioni e possono condividere questo vantaggio con voi.
            Prenota direttamente con l'hotel
            Non appena cliccate su un hotel, andate sul sito web dell'hotel stesso dove otterrete sempre la migliore offerta. Spesso con uno sconto, ma a volte con vantaggi extra come un check-out tardivo o un drink di benvenuto gratuito.

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