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            You are about to book a hotel in Scheveningen. We would therefore like to provide you with some additional information. Scheveningen is part of the community The Hague and counts about 55,000 inhabitants.

            At the moment, there are 12 hotels in Scheveningen with availability on The offer varies between comfortable 2-star hotels to luxurious hotels. Thanks to this broad selection you will always find a hotel that suits you.

            Thanks to several highways, Scheveningen is easily accessible. When you travel by train, you could travel via the nearby central station of Den Haag. Moreover, the public transport in Scheveningen itself is very well-organized. There are several buses and trams which go to several destinations in the area.

            Scheveningen has a very nice city centre, the so called Scheveningen dorp . Here you have the possibility to have dinner in one of the many restaurants, to have a drink in a bar or to shop. You could also decide to visit one of the museums in Scheveningen. You could for example visit Museum Beelden aan Zee or Muzee Scheveningen . Furthermore, Scheveningen has a beautiful beach. You could go for a stroll, do various water sports activities, swim or relax in the sun. The Scheveningse Pier is probably the most well-known landmark of this area. This pier is about 60 meters high and offers a stunning view - on clear days the view reaches up to 17 kilometers. The lighthouse of Scheveningen is close to the beach and was built near the end of the 19th century. It is also a national monument and worth a visit. You could also visit one of the dune parks of Scheveningen: Oostduinpark or Westduinpark . Here you can enjoy from a relaxing stroll and the beautiful nature. City Park the Scheveningse bosjes also offers some great hiking trails. Moreover, with the Havenkwartier , Scheveningen has its own harbor and those who would like to go to the theater can go to the AFAS Circus Theater . In addition, if you visit Scheveningen with kids you can choose to visit Madurodam (The Netherlands in miniature) or Sea Life Scheveningen (beautiful aquarium with lots of fish species).

            Ecco perché si ottiene uno sconto

            Nessun costo per prenotazione
            Le agenzie di viaggio online chiedono agli hotel una percentuale sostanziale dell'importo della prenotazione. Non siamo un'agenzia di viaggi online, ma un sito web di confronto per gli hotel realizzati dagli albergatori.
            Sconti per voi
            Su questo sito web si ottiene uno sconto, perché gli hotel non ci pagano alcuna commissione. Gli hotel risparmiano i costi delle commissioni e possono condividere questo vantaggio con voi.
            Prenota direttamente con l'hotel
            Non appena cliccate su un hotel, andate sul sito web dell'hotel stesso dove otterrete sempre la migliore offerta. Spesso con uno sconto, ma a volte con vantaggi extra come un check-out tardivo o un drink di benvenuto gratuito.

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