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            You are about to book a hotel in Rotterdam. We would therefore like to provide you with some extra information about the city. Rotterdam, situated by the river Maas counts about 620,000 residents. The city is located in the province of Zuid-Holland and has the biggest and most important harbor of the world.

            At the moment, there are 12 hotels with availability in Rotterdam on The offer varies from comfortable 2-star hotels to luxurious hotels. Thanks to this variety, you will always find a suitable hotel.

            The city is very easy to reach because there are several highways which lead to and from the city. Furthermore, thanks to Rotterdam Airport , the city has a medium-sized airport. From here, there are daily flights to a number of European cities. From the Central Station and Station Noord you can take the train to a lot of cities in the country. The public transport in Rotterdam is very well-organized. The city has a very extensive metro network and numerous bus- and tram lines.

            The city is named after the dam which was built around the year 1620 by the river Maas. People started to live near this dam and thus the city of Rotterdam was born. Over the years, the city kept on growing into the big vibrant city which it is today. This modern city is becoming more popular every year. Rotterdam is loved because of its diversity. The city counts numerous museums (for example: World Museum and Museum Boijmans van Beuningen ) and theaters ( Rotterdamse Schouwburg and Luxor Theater ). From the Euromast you will have an amazing view over the entire city. Therefore, we would like to recommended you to pay a visit. The most well know landmark is probably the Erasmusbrug . This bridge connects the Kop van Zuid district with the Centre of Rotterdam. Additionally, the city is also known for Ahoy Rotterdam . This conference centre is often used for entertainment, media, communication and business events. Another well known conference centre in Rotterdam is the WTC Rotterdam . You could also go to the zoo ( Diergaarde Blijdorp ) or theme park Familiepark Plaswijck . Sport lovers could go a football match of Feyenoord in The Kuip or Sparta in The Kasteel . The city has also has a vibrant night life which is mainly focused around Stadhuisplein and the Old Harbor . In addition, the city also has a university. Namely, the Erasmus University Rotterdam . This draws people from all over the world to Rotterdam.

            Ecco perché si ottiene uno sconto

            Nessun costo per prenotazione
            Le agenzie di viaggio online chiedono agli hotel una percentuale sostanziale dell'importo della prenotazione. Non siamo un'agenzia di viaggi online, ma un sito web di confronto per gli hotel realizzati dagli albergatori.
            Sconti per voi
            Su questo sito web si ottiene uno sconto, perché gli hotel non ci pagano alcuna commissione. Gli hotel risparmiano i costi delle commissioni e possono condividere questo vantaggio con voi.
            Prenota direttamente con l'hotel
            Non appena cliccate su un hotel, andate sul sito web dell'hotel stesso dove otterrete sempre la migliore offerta. Spesso con uno sconto, ma a volte con vantaggi extra come un check-out tardivo o un drink di benvenuto gratuito.

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